Module Four - Supporting your dog proactively
9 Lessons
The Fear of Fireworks Course provides step-by-step guidance to help you and your dog with noise sensitivity.
You will work through some really easy, actionable and very specific steps that you and your dog can do together so that you both feel much calmer and safer when there are unexpected noises. And so that you feel prepared to be able to support your dog wherever the noise has come from.
Autumn can be a lovely time of year, but seeing the leaves changing colour can also bring on the feeling of dread, knowing that unexpected loud noises will soon be upon us.
Watching your dog shaking, panting, and pacing because they have been frightened by a sudden noise outside is heartbreaking. Their home is usually their safe place, but now they have nowhere to hide.
Autumn can be challenging for dogs scared of thunderstorms and fireworks, and the changing weather patterns and shorter days can make dogs more anxious. The loud noises associated with thunderstorms and fireworks can be terrifying for them.
Each year, if you worry about how your dog will cope; the anticipation of what is to come may also make you feel anxious.
Often we get to this time of the year and worry that it's already too late to work on our dog's noise sensitivity in time for fireworks season.
It can take time to desensitise your dog to loud noises, but we can do many easy things to support them in the meantime and get you on the right track with the Fear of Fireworks Course.
What Clients who previously completed the Fear of Fireworks Course said:
"The most successful fireworks time we've ever had!"
What you get with the Fear of Fireworks Course
The Fear of Fireworks Self-Study Course is a self-pace course that can be completed at any time of the year. We look at ways to prepare our dogs for fireworks season and storm noises that occur during the winter, but the skills you will learn are universal and can be used for any noise sensitivity issue.
We will look at how to prevent our dogs from becoming scared, but you will also learn Tellington TTouch techniques to help calm them if they do get frightened.
Free Work is a low-impact activity that can help our dogs reduce and release physical tension, self-calm, and build self-confidence. These benefits are especially important for noise-sensitive dogs. Sniffing, licking and chewing are all naturally calming activities for dogs, and Free Work incorporates them all.
You can access the VIP Client Community, 'Bark to the Future' as a Canine Support Client. Within this community, you have additional support from Katharine, alongside other members who have been in your position. This is a safe place to share your videos for feedback and share your wins. There is also additional support, training and information which is only shared with clients.
It's always nice to know you have someone you can turn to when things get stressful with your noise-sensitive dog. That's why you will have Katharine as a Coach in Your Pocket during the course. You can WhatsApp message or email any questions or concerns throughout the course, including any technical issues you may have. Katharine has also supported clients to help reassure them during storms, so the client is then able to support their dog.
You can download the Canine Support App so you can view all your course content on your mobile phone or tablet. This is perfect if you are relaxing with your dog and want a quick reminder of the techniques used with the step-by-step videos.
Behaviour is an expression of how our dogs are feeling and their emotions at a particular moment in time. Understanding our dog's body language can really support us in understanding how they are feeling about particular noises. We can also understand when our dogs want to be comforted or when they might prefer just to be near us.
Support your noise-sensitive dog for just